Gremary Aza and Karla Bajos present results to stakeholders in Costa Rica (03.04.2024)

Last Wednesday, April 3rd, the first online event to disseminate the results of the Costa Rica case study was held. Gremary Aza and Karla Bajos presented the results of the first phase of the study. More than 30 local decision makers from the organizations participating in the study attended the event. Among them were members of local universities, government agencies, producers, and international cooperation organizations. This event is vital for the REVALUED project as it allows for continued collaboration with local stakeholders and to receive their impressions. This contributes significantly to enrich the study and allows the formulation of relevant policy recommendations from academia. The team is grateful to the attendees for their continued collaboration.


Franziska Jäckel was accepted as a young assistant at PYREC (29.04.2024)


Gremary Aza presents at the Agricultural Economics Society Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK (20.03.2024)