Presentation at Tropentag 2023

Between September 19th and 22nd 2023, Gremary Aza Mengoa and Franziska Jäckel, two PhD students from the “Bioeconomy Economics” research group, took part in the international conference "Tropentag", this year held in Berlin. The event centered around the theme of "Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies."

Both scholars made contributions to the conference by delivering oral presentations based on their master theses. Franziska Jäckel's presentation, titled "Understanding Migration Trends and Livelihood Vulnerability: A Case Study from Ghana" shed light on the intricate dynamics of migration and livelihoods in Ghana. Meanwhile, Gremary Aza Mengoa presented the results of her research on "Local perspectives on nonmaterial values of nature, biodiversity in rural communities in the Peruvian Amazon”, emphasizing the relationship between forest cover levels and cultural perceptions, which are crucial for ecosystem management.

In addition to their presentations, Gremary Aza Mengoa and Franziska Jäckel actively engaged in various workshops and attended keynote speeches that explored critical issues related to food security and livelihoods in developing countries.

The "Tropentag" conference provided a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking among experts and researchers dedicated to improving food systems and livelihoods in a sustainable and equitable manner.


Presentation at the Right Livelihood College Workshop


Presentation at ”European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum”