Franziska Jäckel and Daphne Santiago presented at the ICABR Conference in Ravello, Italy (11.06.2024 – 14.06.2024)

At the 28th annual International Consortium for Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) conference, held from June 11th to 14th in Ravello, Italy, PhD students Daphne Santiago and Franziska Jäckel presented their qualitative field studies from the Philippines and Ghana.

The conference, which gathered over 200 researchers globally, focused on "Innovation, Agricultural Productivity, and Sustainability of the Bioeconomy." Daphne Santiago's presentation, titled "Understanding the Bioeconomy Transition in Agricultural Value Chains in the Philippines: The Coevolutionary Framework," was featured in the session "Assessing the Benefits and Costs of the Bioeconomy." Meanwhile, Franziska Jäckel's study, "Innovation and Challenges in the Global Bioeconomy: A Case Study of Ghana’s Emerging Pineapple Value Web," was presented in the session "Models of Bioeconomy Supply Chains."

In addition to their presentations, Daphne Santiago and Franziska Jäckel engaged in various plenary sessions and keynote speeches centered around models in economics and political science related to the global bioeconomy, with fruitful discussions and the opportunity for networking throughout the four-day conference and beyond.


Dr. Terese Venus presented at the EAERE conference in Leuven, Belgium (01.07-04.07.2024)


Daphne Santiago presented at the colloquium from the chair of Critical Development Studies at the University of Passau (06.06.2024)