Field work in Costa Rica

The ReValueD project team, comprising Gremary Aza, a `PhD student, and Karla Bajos, a master's student, embarked the first field visit to Costa Rica during November-December 2023, aiming to deepen their understanding of the pineapple and bioeconomy sector.

The team performed field visited local farms and got firsthand insights into the practical realities of pineapple cultivation in Costa Rica. Additionally, the team conducted interviews with key stakeholders including producers, processors, government actors, start-ups and researchers, enriching the team's research with contextual understanding.

The participants in the study were also part of two workshops organized by the ReValueD project team in Huetar Norte and the other in Alajuela. Both events were key to gather valuable perspectives on the challenges and opportunities that different actors perceive within the evolving pineapple and bioeconomy related sectors. The workshops were also an opportunity for the stakeholders to initiate dialogue and collaboration between them and explore innovative solutions.

This immersive fieldwork promises to inform and enrich the ReValueD project's contributions. The ReValueD project team extends heartfelt thanks to all participants for their collaboration.

Karla Bajos, Dr Terese Venus, and Gemary Aza (from left to right) during the field work in Costa Rica


A visit to Visayas State University in Baybay, Leyte, Philippines


A visit to Costa Rica´s Universidad Tecnica Nacional